Good Morning beautiful people! & good nourishment as well! Who doesn't love warm, fresh baked muffins in the morning? Breakfast is our most important meal for many reasons so it's good to make it count. This quick bread will have your whole house quietly savoring for a few minutes so you can...sit, mama :) and enjoy a peaceful breakfast before the day begins. They are made from a short and sweet ingredient list, which can be substituted based on your pantry. I ran out of eggs yesterday so I added a lil more oil and they were just fine. Anywho, here you go!

"Monday, manic Monday....Oh how we love to hate you!" I know all ya'll have had atleast ONE experience of the "Monday Blues". That's the tired, slow dragging feeling that comes with a brand new week of working to make someone else's dream come true....but that's another post altogether ;). You are not alone in these feelings but sometimes you just gotta do what ya gotta do. That being said, Mondays here in Beautiful Zion will be dedicated to uplifting, energizing, funny, motivating content! Monday Motivations if you will :). Let's start it off with the most important lesson we can all use some work on, GRATITUDE! We must remember to have an attitude of gratitude in ALL things! Things can always be less comfortable than they currently are, wherever you are in life. SO GIVE THANKS! For example, your 'manager' likes to push every button you have, just for the heck of it; even the buttons you didn't even know you had. When you get 'there'....you know, that place where sanity ends and assault charges begin. WOOO-SAAAHHH and say (in your head) "Thank you Almighty for restraining my hands and giving me good sense not to choke this person. Help me to see what you see in him/her"...See, in a few seconds, by turning a complaint into thanks, you have avoided prison! Life is good! Freedom is great! lol! So dear hearts, on this beautiful Monday mernin, send up some appreciation for ALL your blessings AND your lessons!

Grettings my loves! It's been a long time...I should'na left you! :) Hope all is going well; and on the off-chance that things are not, we're about to make your day better!
This recipe is the stuff dreams are made of! If you're looking for a delicious and affordable way to add nutrition to your family's diet without the "eww what is that?" faces, this is it.
Now, I must admit I was skeptical at first, It did NOT seem like a delicious combination, in writing; but once I put it all together, that was all she wrote! The kids loved it, I loved it, my husband loved it and 'remixed' it! :)

Good day beautiful people! More love and blessings! 
So, leave it to me to wait until...dinner time to post a breakfast recipe :). Our internet has been down due to Hurricane Isaac and we're JuuuuST getting it back! (Some people are STILL waiting for lights, a full week later!).... Besides, with two under 3...time to sit and type is a rare luxury :).
Anywho, we had the most delicious breakfast today so I thought I'd share! Yummy peanut butter pancakes with warmed strawberry preserves... 

Greetings my loves!
     I guess now would be as good a time as any to expose my totally UN-natural obsession with cleaning products. The king calls it a disorder...whatever :) It's almost scary the "high" I get from smelling certain detergents, soap bubbles, and overall cleanliness. Interestingly enough, this is a new development. Some people call it "nesting"...I'm not sure what it is, but I do know, the overload of chemical cleaners (regardless of their amazing fresh scents) cannot be a good thing. Especially for a pregnant woman and a two year old! So, I've embarked on the quest of creating my own household cleaners. Natural ones of course. ;) 
    I'm coming to find that not only am I eliminating toxins, I'm saving maaad money. Now who wouldnt love that? Today, on my (almost daily) trip to walmart, I got all the ingredients I'd need for homemade laundry detergent AND dishwasher detergent...and maybe a few other useful cleaners, for under $10... That's less than half the cost of national brands for twice the loads...AND good quality...can't beat it with a stick!
     So here's the recipe I used for the laundry soap: 1 cup Borax (laundry aisle) , 1 cup Washing Soda (laundry aisle..or you can make your own and cut that cost too!) , 1 bar soap- grated (I used Fels-Naptha/.97 cents-laundry aisle, but you can use Castille soap or just plain Ivory). Mix well for about 5 minutes (I just put it in a jar and shook real good). Use about a tablespoon per load...and it's safe for HE washers. I got this recipe from DIYNatural.com. Add a few drops of essential oil to the wash get the scent you'd like. Good thing is, essential oils are potent and the scent will stay on the clothes. There's also the benefit of adding aromatherapy to your cleaning routine (lavender will relax the whole house, citrus scents will energize, etc.)...  I'm too excited! I'm washing EVERYTHING tonight! lol...Happy cleaning ladies!!