Greeting fam! I'm sure most of you have heard of the 'spicy lemonade' Beyoncé drank back in the day to lose weight for some movie role. Well, it turns out that lemonade is a great cure-all for just about any toxin related issues we may have. I'm currently having an unusually long breakout in my fo-head area and IT MUST GO! Here's me making a cup of Spicy Lemonade. It's reputed to clean the blood and clear mucous, as well as regulate circulation and respiration. BTW, it tastes pretty good too! I found the recipe in Sister Angela Freeman's book "God's Gift" which is an awesome resource for any 'Good Black Woman loving a Strong Black Man'. Be well family! MHNCBU all!
Cecelia Smith
10/9/2013 11:14:59 pm

OMG, I am so proud of my daughter-in-law. I haven't tried it yet but I know you already made some for me..."Bottems Up".


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