    Hellllloooo ladies! :) I recently saw this image posted to the profile of a friend of mine. Needless to say, the caption caused QUITE the stir! Some women (and men) felt this was totally true. Especially in the case of housewives, stay-at-home moms, etc. While other women had an "I'm not his mama OR his prostitute" attitude about it. 
    Most married women OVERstand the value of keeping the spark lit in your relationship. Any wife worth her salt has been told at least a hundred times by our elders "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach". So sisters, what do you think? It seems the prevailing thought in todays culture is that 'he' needs to take care of 'ME' and take care of his own needs while he's at it. 
    Though this thought pattern is not scriptural...or even reasonable really, it is a rampant reality. Are we abandoning our roles in the relationship? Is it selfishness...or is it progress? Is 1 Corinthians 7:3 still relevant in the marriage of the 21st century? (Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband.) Could this shift in the thinking of the woman be part of the cause of the fall of the black marriage and family? How does being subservient to 'his' needs make us feel as women? Are we ashamed of being "that" woman for our men? 
    Chime in and share your thoughts on this topic ladies... ; )

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