Shalom sisters! 
    Here in the south the sabbath is a tip toe away... As I was finishing my last household preparations, trying to keep up with a 2 y/o, cooking dinner, and wondering exactly HOW spacious my uterus is (baby is extra active), all I could think was "I need a Me-day". It's really easy for us as mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, to forget about ourselves as women. I know I'm guilty of running myself ragged and not even realizing it until my joints and muscles start to scream "mercy". Over the last year or so I've begun to master the art of finding little slots of time to stop and consider ME. We want to do and be everything for everyone, however, if we neglect our own needs we cant fully meet others' needs with joy and good energy. So ladies, here are a few things we can do to unwind for a moment. Remember, the Sabbath has been set aside just so we can take time to worship our all-knowing Father, and rest our bones. :)
 Take Five:
- Start by establishing a schedule for the little ones (if you have them)...naptime is the perfect space of time to have a nice cup of tea. I recommend a blend of calming chamomile and uplifting peppermint.
- Make a cleaning pattern, if you always clean the same way it'll all get done faster. Leaving you some time to relax you shoulders and breathe.
-Speaking of breathing, when you feel you're getting overwhelmed, take a full minute to do just that. Take slow deep breaths. Smile and remind yourself that it's only a temporary WILL pass :)
-It's difficult to do but if you're not completely OCD, give yourself a good 30 minute break to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine before you go about your household duties.
-This one is especially difficult for me because I'm so full of energy but, when everything's DONE, let it be DONE. Don't look for more to do or let your mind go here and there looking for things to occupy itself. Get quiet, run a hot bath or shower, add some salts or a bath tea and just relax!

    I truly hope these tips are helpful and I'll continue to share more as I discover more ways to enjoy MY time. Remember that rest is a blessing....our Father knows best. Instead of always Do-ing, let's just BE!

    More Love& Light to you all!

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