How many times have you seen those memes saying that guys want a 'girl' that's like their boys. Can you relate? I can. Back when I didn't know anything better than being a girlfriend I thought that was the ideal situation. Being 'that chick' that he could play video games, watch sports and wear J's with. I mean, what guy didn't want a girl that he could chill with like his boys? Right? Wrong!!

    Too often we spend energy trying to become what we think a guy wants. Too often the females of our generation aren't taught what it is to be a woman to a man. Outside of TV very few lessons are given on womanhood so we don't have many models to follow. An important thing to remember is that a MAN does not want to a woman to be like his "boys" because he is no longer a boy. So if you run across one who is still looking to engage in boydom, head for the hills!

    Now of course, I'm not saying we shouldn't be able to laugh and clown around with our men. They should feel at home with us. We should be able to hang out together and he should never feel that he has to get away from you to do what he likes to do. If your man likes sports, don't nag him about watching ESPN, and it's ok to watch it with him. If he likes video games, don't make him feel bad about it and don't feel bad if you enjoy them too. Enjoy some downtime, but also help him see that ALL free time is not downtime. One of our jobs is to push our men to be more productive, reach their goals and build something substantial. We mess up when we enable our men by spending hours on end trying to make them feel like their boys do.
    When a man is ready to be a man he no longer craves the feeling of being a boy. Some men will stop hanging with their friends who aren't ready to mature with them. They are no longer turned on by 'girls' who are 'girlfriend-oriented'. They begin looking for WIVES. Why? Because a wife will help propel him into manhood. If he is already there, a wife will motivate him to continue to grow as a MAN. Yes, they may have the best time together. They may laugh and joke and have tons of fun, but a wife is always aware of her duties as a woman to her man. She knows that too much beer will ruin his body so she isn't playing beer pong with him. She knows that too much downtime will hinder his productivity. She knows his dreams and helps him plan how he will create them. His goals are her goals and vice versa. She helps him see the joy in responsibility.
    That's our job ladies. Not to baby our men and make them feel like it's OK to underachieve. Not to make them feel like  they don't have to produce or provide "cuz I gotchu"....UH UH!! [SN: NO man, should EVER be comfortable sitting at home while his woman provides.] It's our job to make them feel GOOD about providing. Make him stick his chest out a little further. That feeling he once got when he passed a level on a video game or his favorite team won should be replaced by the feeling of accomplishment. He'll feel like a MAN knowing that he's making his woman happy. See ladies, we can't better our men as MEN if we want to be like their homies. Their boys can't give them what we can, and a girl trying to be 'his boy' can't give a man what a WOMAN can. It's a beautiful and delicate BALANCE. 
    It's fun to have fun with your man, so have fun. Just don't forget your role. Know your position, study it, perfect it and do it to the best of your ability. Our MEN need us ladies! :)

Shalom <3 <3

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