If you're following me on FB, I'm sure you're tired of my anniversary posts by
now....but SO WHAT?! LOL!! It's been one heck of a year for us and the fact that
we made it through is reason enough to rejoice and be glad! Our challenges have
been many and close together. At times we felt like we'd break, individually,
but combining our strengths with the guidance and protection of the Most High,
we're here to tell about it!
Most people assume that with marriage "everything changes". I'd say it really depends on the people and the perceptions. MANY things changed for us....but our love only grew through those changes. During this last year we've added another child AND a dog to our lives. We've started and grown TWO businesses. We've gone through times of no 'formal' income, car problems, and more death than I care to mention. We've loved, gained and lost a lot  and honestly, it's made our bond that much stronger.

I think, in a REAL marriage, you will find the quote that "anything worth having is worth working hard for" rings true, daily. When we first wed, my late father gave me the advice that most, if not all, of our challenges would come from outside the marriage. He said that how we navigated those challenges together would determine how strong we could grow. I doubt he realized at the time that losing him would be one of our biggest obstacles. We still live by his words of wisdom today; and I have found it to be true, we have YET to be at odds with each other. We have yet to face any 'internal' conflict. That external static can get HEAVY though, and without proper guidance and a real, true bond, it can wear any marriage down. The soundest advice he gave us was to remember our covenant. I feel blessed to pass that advice on now. When things get rough and you feel like giving up, remember that your covenant is not with each other, but with the Almighty. We have a duty to carry His people forward in righteousness, in truth and in divine union.

So, Be encouraged! For my sisters who are not yet married or who are headed down this road. You will be AMAZED at the things you learn. Like when you grow through things together and Divinity happens on the other side. You will notice more vividly, the light at the end of the tunnels. You will learn the real meaning of love. If you go in willing to learn, you will be a better woman by loving your king and children, fully and unselfishly.

There are times when being a wife and mother feels like a thank-less job. When everyone is tired and cranky and showing appreciation isn't even the 10th on their to-do list. In those moments I have learned to give thanks! I give thanks for being granted this position, of power and submission. It is a beautiful thing to be able to be the one who 'can make everything alright' at times. To know that you are needed and valuable to people outside of yourself. To share your gifts and give of yourself fully and completely. It sounds mushy and cliché but it's really a beautiful existence if you do it right. Gratitude begets gratitude!

I said all that to say, when I thought it was the end for me, my life was just beginning. I could have never imagined my life being what it is today. It's what I always dreamed of but never knew I could have. It took a good man finding me and guiding me for me to realize how deserving of this I am...and every other good woman is too. I too had lost hope in men in general. But there's hope and real love is still a reality! Even for us sistas! My prayer is that the Most High blesses us all with everlasting love, peace and blessed unions

More Love and Light

Cecelia Smith
10/29/2013 04:43:25 am

So So Beautiful, "Tears......". Ma


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