 " Problems with erectile dysfunction? Louisiana blah blah Research Center may have the answer for YOU" ...this is what I just heard on the radio dear family... 0.o...Right! If only our men knew...but then again ladies, if WE don't know how can they? I'll tell you from everyday experience with a "Man's Man", researching natural healing options is NOT the first thing on their to-do list. It's not even #10! They're far too busy 'fixing' things. I can also tell you, there are natural methods that do WORK to help heal our men. Of course the methods of natural healing extend to us too but that's a separate post entirely. So, what are these 'herbal' helpers for everyday issues our kings face?
Read on to find out...

For a plant to be called the "testicle tree" by the ancients, I'd assume they know what they're talking about. Along with being rich in folate, which WE need to form healthy babies in our wombs, avocados also contain oleic acid. Oleic acid is a healthy monounsaturated fat that combats high cholesterol, heart disease and cancerous cells-including prostate cancer.  They also help rid the body of those UNhealthy saturated fats, aiding in weight loss. As with anything, a positive change of lifestyle is the best medicine for best results. So don't go spreading avocado on a porkchop sandwich! I had some yesterday on a few (about 4..teehee) tacos, and fed some to my growing sons as well. The taste is not harsh or offensive so there's no worry with discriminating tongues. If you have a really picky eater on your hands, blending it into smoothies, salad dressings, and soups is another option. For the 'sugar monsters' among us, I make a delicious, creamy avocado chocolate pudding that NO ONE can tell is just avocados, cocoa and sugar. However you get it in 'em, GET IT IN 'EM! He'll thank you later!

Navy Beans:
Yep, plain old white beans! Skip the can though. All our vegetables are better for us in their least processed form. Plus, you miss all those preservatives. So, cook up a pot of white beans and rice. New Orleans style if you know how! They always say the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach! Our Nation of Islam family prescribes navy beans to all their brothers experiencing any type of reproductive changes. That's why our NOI sisters are so loved and known for whipping up a good Bean Pie! It's definitely worth a try. Relax him and serve it up dressed in something 'nice'... A delicious, hot dinner and beautiful, private table service will revive him quicker than any pill can! Trust and believe!

Saw Palmetto Berries :
I 'gifted' my husband a homemade tincture of saw palmetto berries when we first got married. I made it as a prostate preserver and preventative for other hormonal issues men in their mid-20's may have. He thanks me to this day! The great thing about these berries is they're easily accessed. Here in the hot a** tropical swampland we call Louisiana, saw palmetto plants grow WILD. If you live in a cooler climate, they are easily ordered online or purchased as a supplement in health food stores; whole, powdered or encapsulated. On top of that, they're a tasty incorporation into teas, hot or iced. To put the icing on the cake, they're good for us , women, too! Saw Palmetto berries naturally regulate hormonal imbalances in men and women! So mood swings BE GONE! You can't beat that with a stick! 

Maca Root:
A friend of mine recommended this wonderful superfood when she noticed I was getting overwhelmed and run down from the constant running of a growing family and businesses. I immediately went out and bought a bag (disclaimer: My first bag came from Whole Foods for $25... PLEASE don't make that same mistake if you are on a budget. There are many reasonably priced online sources of Raw Maca Root powder). My girl neglected to tell me that it doesn't dissolve in water so here's your heads up! IT DOES NOT DISSOLVE! It has a nutty, toasted taste that goes really well in baked goods. We also included it in smoothies (great in banana and peanut butter smoothies). After a year of taking it, we still get great results, without having to up the amount. It really helps with mental alertness, endurance and stamina. We take it before our overnight grilling gigs and on those 20 hour work days... and we always have energy to spare. Nuff said? Well Gethchu Sum! :)

My husband started taking pure ginseng shots to energize himself before work. At the time he was working 10 hour shifts without lunch breaks-regularly. I'd send him to work with a huge smoothie to keep him filled and he'd do his ginseng regimen every morning. After about a week we noticed an ENORMOUS increase in his energy and vitality. He'd still be energized when he got home...and would talk a HOLE in my ear :) It was so refreshing to see him upbeat and alert coming home instead of worn out and lethargic. Needless to say, the marital bed did not suffer any neglect ;)

    These are just a few of the many great herbal options to restore the spark in your man and your marriage. I haven't tried them all but I have personal success with these. A quick Bing search will open an entire world of options for you but please be aware that not all herbs react the same with each individual. I am not a doctor so this article is not written to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure any diseases, but simply personal experience. Be sure to consult with your family doctor if you or your man are taking any commercial meds as some herbs react adversely with some synthetic drugs. 
     Remember ladies, never make your king feel like he's less than a KING because of any issues...especially any 'down there'. Sometimes, it's not an issue at all but a build up of stress and tension that makes his body less able to do what it do. We are blessed with the gift of healing our men, use it right or lose it! Sensual and sexual healing should always be in our doctor bags! Don't be afraid to touch, or underestimate the healing in a kiss or massage. The scripture tells us that the marriage bed is undefiled, so don't hold back. The best kinds of healing love extends from the kitchen to the bedroom and beyond. You will see a change in your man when he sees that his woman is not mocking or belittling his problems but tenderly and lovingly healing him. Remember that their egos are fragile, so it's not always necessary to tell him what you're doing for him, the results will speak for themselves. When you see him walking with a lil more pep in his step, holding his head up and doing more 'man stuff', give yourself a discreet little pat on the back, YOU did that! Your nurture, support, and healing touch when employed properly, will be all the medicine he needs to be the man you desire! Give More Love.

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