Beautiful day mommies!! :)
    A question I get often in doing the UP/UC thing (unassisted pregnancy and birth) is what do I do about prenatal care?? My first thought always goes back to the prenatal 'care' I recieved during my first pregnancy. Every doctor visit I couldn't help but feel that I'd wasted a day to have someone give me a basic checkup I could've given myself. While the doctors and nurses were kind and answered the few questions that came up in a polite manner, it was nothing I couldnt have googled. This time around I decided to trust my bodies rhythm. Always making sure I'm intune with what I'm feeling physically, the baby's behavior, and my emotional state has made my care during this pregnancy feel more like CARE. I've always believed no one knows you and your body like you do. No one can care for a person better than they can themselves when they're paying attention. Granted, there are cases when medical intervention is life-saving and necessary, but in normal circumstances, we have all that we need to keep ourselves, and our offspring, in optimum health.

    Hi mommies! This post is especially for my creative DIY mommies. I've recently embarked on the journey of sewing my own cloth diapers. Gone are the days of old sheets, pins, and rubber pants.. and anyone who's seen the prices of these fancy new cloth diapers understands my plight! :) When you calculate the environmental AND economical havoc being wreaked by disposable diapers, cloth becomes the sensible option (if your not scared of cleaning them of course). I didnt have the resources or time to do this with my 2 y/o, but with my new position as permanent WAHM&W (work at home mom&wife), I have plenty of both. For this project I raided my husbands packed dresser and closet for old t-shirts. Once you get your pattern, style, and skills down pat moving on to better fabrics is recommended. I started by drafting my own pattern from a disposable diaper my little one fits well. He's potty training so I figure now is a good time to switch him to cloth. He's a bit skin-ty for the 2T trainers on the market....and my are they high! (I'll be sewing those too!) For my bun still baking, I'm using a newborn sized pattern from but there are many free and for-pay patterns for all the different find what works for you and your little ones and have FUN! So far I've done a pocket style, a psuedo-AIO, and a psuedo-AI2. I say "psuedo" because I havent added a waterproof layer to either so they still "technically" need covers. Here's my progress:
upcycled hubby's old t-shirts! re-source-FULL! :)
    Apologies my dear sisters. Life has been a busy series of (positive) changes for my family and I lately but I AM BACK! We recently moved and going back and forth with internet providers has NOT been wonderful...but....ALL IS WELL! How have you been??? I pray all has been wonderful in your worlds. I am dedicating time in the next few days to building this site and making it better. So please, be patient with me ladies. :)